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  • Intelligent computer systems. Multimedia systems.  Computer graphics, computer vision, systems supporting human-computer interaction, information technologies and tools for disabled. Pattern recognition and image processing.
  • Expert systems and artificial intelligence. Fuzzy systems. Neural networks. Intelligent data processing and decision support systems: application optimization tools and agent-based techniques.
  • Development of advanced systems for management of large data sets. Distributed applications, use of Linux operating system, Grid and cloud computing.  Efficiency in distributed systems.
  • Software engineering, use of Petri nets. Software engineering methods for construction of real-time systems, verification of software correctness.
  • Design and programming of specialized microcontrollers and distributed control systems, software and methods for remote tuning of industrial controllers over the Internet, microprocessor systems, communication security in distributed control systems, problems of building automation. Probabilistic timed automata in modeling of reactive systems. Technical diagnosis.
  • The use of information technologies for production, monitoring, supervision and control. 
  • Design and construction of mechatronic systems.